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Can Flat Feet Have a Negative Impact on My Health?

Can Flat Feet Have a Negative Impact on My Health?

If there’s one part of the body that often gets ignored, it’s the humble arch. After all, how often do you look at the bottoms of your feet? But this overlooked area also creates the foundation for your whole body. 

And if there’s a weakness present, it can ripple throughout your entire musculoskeletal system.

At Premier Foot and Ankle Center, our team combines the latest technology with professional care, integrity, and a gentle touch to provide outstanding results. 

Do you have flat feet? Here’s why you shouldn’t ignore this common foot problem and how our team can help.

How arches work

The arch of your foot helps distribute your weight across your legs and feet, and it adds that jaunty spring to your step. In order to function properly, an arch needs to be sturdy and flexible, so it can adjust to stress on multiple surfaces.

If problems arise with your arch, it can cause pain and discomfort in this part of your foot that can affect other parts of your body as well.

How to spot flat feet

When a foot has a normal arch, you can spot a slight gap between the floor and inner part of your foot when you stand. But in people with flat feet, there is no gap; instead, the entire sole presses against the floor.

Without an arch to distribute your weight correctly, your feet roll inward whenever you stand or walk. This imbalance in your feet disrupts the alignment and structure in your entire body, leading to pain, strained muscles, and overstressed ligaments, including your:

On top of the pain and strain flat feet put on your body, they can also increase your risk of shin splints, arthritis, bone spurs, corns and calluses, and bunions.

Fixing flat feet

Fortunately, there are numerous solutions for correcting flat feet and restoring balance to your body.

Our team can diagnose flat feet by evaluating your foot structure and function. Sometimes, we also assess the wear patterns on the soles of your shoes or perform additional imaging tests, like ultrasounds or X-rays.

After reaching a diagnosis, we can create a personalized treatment strategy to ease your symptoms and build a stronger foundation for your entire body.

Common treatments for flat feet include:

If you have flat feet because of an injury, we could recommend surgery.

Do you have flat feet? Contact our Premier Foot and Ankle Center office in Worcester, Webster, or Leominster, Massachusetts, to schedule a consultation today.

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