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Ingrown Toenails: Why You Need to See a Podiatrist

Ingrown Toenails: Why You Need to See a Podiatrist


Take a look at your toenails. Are they growing straight out in a nice, clean line? Or are any of them — especially the big toe — curling inward at the corners, digging into and irritating the adjacent soft skin?

If the latter is the case, you may be experiencing an ingrown toenail, an all-too-common injury that causes pain, redness, swelling, and even infection. At the office of Premier Foot and Ankle Center, LLC our staff is knowledgeable about the causes of ingrown toenails, and treats them in the privacy and comfort of our office. Attempting a “do-it-yourself” method at home like removing the nail or taking an over-the-counter medication may actually worsen the injury — particularly if you have diabetes, vascular disease, or another circulatory disorder.

How do you know if you have an ingrown toenail? Here are some symptoms you may be experiencing: Pain, redness and swelling, odor, drainage, or a buildup of flesh on the wound that has a cauliflower-like appearance.

There’s a whole list of factors that can lead to this unpleasant injury, including improperly trimmed nails, footwear that crowds your toes, wear-and-tear on the feet from everyday activities, or even heredity. Although the big toe is the most common one affected by this condition, it can happen to any of your other toes.

Nail problems should be evaluated and treated by a podiatrist — a highly trained physician and surgeon — especially if there is excessive redness or drainage. At the office of Premier Foot and Ankle Center, LLC, our specialists will safely and comfortably remove the ingrown portion of the nail and may prescribe medication or other treatment. We’ll advise you on preventing this from reoccurring in the future, and will inform you about a state-of-the-art procedure that permanently alleviates the problem. There’s no need to suffer with ingrown toenails or risk further aggravating them by experimenting with home remedies. Call our office today for an appointment.

By Premier Foot and Ankle Center, LLC April 26, 2021

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