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Piedmont MA Foot Doctor

Bunion treatment in Piedmont MA

Piedmont MA foot doctor

You missed the way your feet used to be—soft, not leathery. Oh, and the most endearing quality of yesteryear…they were painless. If you’re tired of taking rough, bunioned steps, don’t hesitate for another second to see a professional to get it taken care of. Visit Premier Foot & Ankle Center and see our highly-coveted Piedmont MA foot doctor.

It’s a tall-task to pinpoint the root cause of bunions. Largely because these growths can be caused by several different factors. One of the main culprits is genetic predisposition, laying the groundwork for many foot problems down the road. And exacerbated by lifestyle choices. For instances, over-pronating feet skyrocket the odds of getting bunions. Not only that, biomechanics can also result in a destabilized phalangeal joint (located within the metatarsal). Then there’s footwear. Although they aren’t directly linked to causing bunions, they sure do a great job at making symptoms feel much worse. So steer clear of tight-fitting footwear, especially if you’re on your feet most days. Some other (not so common) contributors to the bunion life include: limb-length discrepancies (uneven leg length), neuromuscular disorders (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or polio), and trauma (nerve injuries, sprains, and fractures). Keep in mind, you don’t want to sit around at home and self-diagnose. No. See a professional about that as soon as possible. With that said, head over to Premier Foot & Ankle Center and visit a Piedmont MA foot doctor. That’s all there is to it. Sounds good? Our patients certainly think so. Now all you have to do is take that first magical step. Pick up the phone and dial Premier Foot & Ankle Center. Or shoot us an e-mail—whichever you prefer. Then promptly schedule an appointment for a meet with our Piedmant MA food doctor. Just like we said it would be…easy.

123 Summer Street Suite 550
Worcester, MA 01608

(508) 966-7726

By Premier Foot and Ankle Center, LLC June 19, 2017

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